
نمونه سوال آیلتس رسمی


متن اصلی سوال

سوال رسمی از کشورهای مختلف

نکات تحلیلی استاد

ویژه مشترکان

پاسخ پیشنهادی

فایل صوتی سوال و جواب

فایل متنی سوال و جواب + نکات تحلیلی و کاربردی ( ویژه مشترکان)


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Part 1 (Interview)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
Do you work or study?
– Where do you work?
– Why did you choose that job?
– Is there anything you dislike about your job?
– Do you sing often?
– When do you like to sing?
– Is it difficult to sing well?
 Do you want to be a singer?
Part 2 (Cue Card)
Describe an occasion when you ate something for the first time. You should say:
– what food it was
– when it happened
– where you ate it
– and explain how you felt about it.
Follow-up question: Do you like trying new foods?

Part 3 – Complex questions

What foreign foods are popular in your country?
What kind of food is more popular in your country?
What is the difference between younger and older people in their food habits?
How do you think our eating habits will change in the future?
Do you think that it’s important to know how to cook well?
– In modern society, is it still important that people learn to cook?
Do you watch cooking shows on TV?



May 2023

تمام حقوق برای بهروز غفاریان و سایت about-ielts محفوظ است. 1402 / 2023

ویدیو (ها) ی آموزشی این درس

ویدیو درس (ویژه مشترکین)

درباره پخش ویدیو ویدیو درسهای استاد غفاریان

ویدیو درس رایگان از یوتیوب

تمام حقوق برای بهروز غفاریان و سایت about-ielts محفوظ است. 1403 / 2024

تحلیل و راهنمایی - نمونه سوال آیلتس - بخش اول

تحلیل سوالها

بطور کل در انگلیسی سه نوع سوال داریم:

  • سوالهایی که با فعل کمکی شروع میشوند.
  • سوالهایی که با کلمه پرسشی شروع می شوند.
  • ساختار خبری با لحن پرسشی ( در آزمونهای رسمی مشاهده نمی شوند.)

نحوه ی پاسخ ما به هر نوع از این سوالها متفاوت خواهد بود.


اولین و بدیهی ترین نکته اینجاست که موقع پاسخ دادن به سوالات ممتحن، دقت کنید سوالاتی که با فعل کمکی شروع می شوند اصطلاحا yes/no questions نامیده می شوند و در پاسخ شما به شکل مقتضی باید جواب yes یا no یا پاسخی مناسب با آن ارایه کنید. از طرفی سوالات wh- questions را باید با توجه به همان کلمه پاسخ دهید. مثلا برای where حتما باید در جوابتان به یک مکان اشاره کنید.

Model Answer part 1

– What is your full name?
My name is Reza, a common name in Iran with a religious background.

– Can I see your ID?
Sure, here you are!

– Do you work or study?
Actually both. I work as an accountant in a mega shop, and in the evening I’m studying for my Master’s degree.

– Where do you work?
As I said, I keep accounts for a branch of Kurosh chain stores. It’s been 4 years now I’ve been working there.

– Why did you choose that job?
My field of study was accounting, and after graduation, I started a full-time career in this field, which has lasted up to now.

– Is there anything you dislike about your job?
To be honest, apart from the loads of work I’m always given, Most of my job is manageable and likable to me.

– Do you sing often?
Well, I’m not a singer. In fact, I can’t carry a tune. But I sometimes hum the songs I like.

– When do you like to sing?
It’s not a usual happening. Sometimes at night when I’m walking home, I start to sing because I find it useful.

– Is it difficult to sing well?
Yes absolutely, I think besides talent, one needs to be trained how to sing properly.

– Do you want to be a singer?
Honestly no! I’m not into the celebrity lifestyle. And it seems to me that being a singer would automatically put you into public attention.

تمام حقوق برای بهروز غفاریان و سایت about-ielts محفوظ است. 1403 / 2024

تحلیل و راهنمایی - نمونه سوال آیلتس - بخش دوم

راهنمای تحلیلی

همانطور که می دانید، در بخش cue card ، ابتدا موضوع و سوالات را دریافت می کنید. سپس 1 دقیقه فرصت دارید تا نت برداری کنید و بعد از آن باید حدود 1 تا 2 دقیقه صحبت کنید:

  • برای مدیربت زمان، بهتر است برای سوالهای 1 تا 3 هر کدام 3 جمله آماده کنید و برای سوال آخر حدود 5 جمله .

در پاسخ به سوالات مرتبط با غذا از این اصطلاحات کمک بگیرید:

dish = meal = وعده غذایی

Thai cuisine = Thai food

food habits = eating habits

dining out = eating out

culinary = فرهنگ غذایی

fresh ingredients = مواد اولیه تازه

healthy diet

Model Answer:
I have chosen to talk about the first time I ate an Indian dish called “chicken tandoori”. if my memory serves me right, It goes back to nearly a decade ago, when I was invited to Taj Mahal restaurant on the ground floor of a hotel by the same name in Sheikh Bahaee Street. By that time, I had heard that Indian cuisine is extremely spicy, but you can’t know the scale until you taste their dishes yourself. My host suggested I order and test “chicken tandoori”. After some time chatting over everyone’s experience with Indian food, and of course, to me all were new, finally, our orders came on the table. And needless to say, after taking the first bite, my face was funny and miserable… I couldn’t even swallow a bit. Yet, to show more respect to my host, I tried not to be overacting. That night I had to drink a lot of water and some extra coke. And even now after almost 10 years, I still feel the same and need to drink water!

تمام حقوق برای بهروز غفاریان و سایت about-ielts محفوظ است. 1403 / 2024

تحلیل و راهنمایی - نمونه سوال آیلتس - بخش سوم

در قسمت سوم آزمون Speaking محدودیت تعداد جمله برای پاسخ دادن وجود ندارد ولی منطقی تر است 3-4 جمله دست کم ارایه دهید. و بهتر است ابتدا خود سوال را در یک جمله پارافریز کنید.

به هر سوال پارت سوم به چشم یک مینی رایتینگ تک پاراگرافی نگاه کنید.

  • یک جمله مقدمه – پارافریز خود سوال
  • دو تا سه جمله بدنه – پاسخ اصلی شما
  • یک جمله جمع بندی یا نتیجه گیری

Model Answer Part 3 

What foreign foods are popular in your country?
Iranian cuisine is really rich with a range of food recipes; yet, Italian Pizza & pasta are on the top lists of foreign dishes among us.

– What kind of food is more popular in your country?
Actually, Kebabs and any other food served with rice is chosen by most people, the amount of rice consumed by my fellow countrymen is alarmingly high. Because most of our dishes are somehow served with rice, as the main ingredient.

– What is the difference between younger and older people in their food habits?
There is actually a big difference between the youngers and the elders when choosing what to eat. In most cases, young people would opt to have fast food; including pasta, pizza, and other types, whereas traditional dishes are more attractive to the elderly.

– How do you think our eating habits will change in the future?
Most likely our eating habits would completely change, food sources are shrinking and new sources would be introduced. And also the youth generation of today will be elders of the future, and God knows what is chosen by the youngsters on those days.

– Do you think that it’s important to know how to cook well?
I can’t agree more! today’s families are mostly double-income and everyone needs to take care of their own feeding. Or take the risk of starving!

– In modern society, is it still important that people learn to cook?
Maybe yes maybe no! It is totally up to you. You can spend all your time working and earning money and spend some of that money buying delicious foods. Or you may spare that money and save for yourself if set aside a short time every day to cook for yourself.

– Do you watch cooking shows on TV?
Not exactly on Tv because they are boringly time-consuming. I follow my favorite cooking page on Instagram or Youtube channel.

تمام حقوق برای بهروز غفاریان و سایت about-ielts محفوظ است. 1403 / 2024