
جدیدترین آزمون writing کشور کانادا


متن اصلی سوال

سوال رسمی از کشورهای مختلف

نکات تحلیلی استاد

ویژه مشترکان

پاسخ پیشنهادی

فایل صوتی سوال و جواب

فایل متنی سوال و جواب + نکات تحلیلی و کاربردی ( ویژه مشترکان)


IDP Australia

221124 removebg preview - نمونه سوال رایتینگ آیلتس جنرال - می 2023

British Council

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You live near a public school. The school has asked local residents to help with the maintenance of school buildings and play areas. Write a letter to the principal.

 In your letter,

  • Explain why you would like to help
  • Tell them how you can help
  • Let them know when you are available.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Many parents are unhappy with their children playing violent video games and watching violence in movies. How harmful is this to children? What can be done to solve this problem?



May 2023

تمام حقوق برای بهروز غفاریان و سایت about-ielts محفوظ است. 1403 / 2024

ویدیو (ها) ی آموزشی این درس

ویدیو درس (ویژه مشترکین)

درباره پخش ویدیو ویدیو درسهای استاد غفاریان

ویدیوی نکات این آزمون، صرفا در اختیار مشترکان سایت قرار می گیرد. اگر قادر به مشاهده نیستید، لازم است اکانت خود را ارتقا دهید.

ویدیو درس رایگان از یوتیوب

ویدیوهای یوتیوب، منخب ولی رایگان هستند ولی لازم است برای حفظ حقوق مولف، لطفا مستقیما از روی سایت یوتیوب تماشا کنید.

تمام حقوق برای بهروز غفاریان و سایت about-ielts محفوظ است. ۱۴۰۱ / ۲۰۲۲

تحلیل و راهنمایی - نمونه سوال آیلتس - Task 1

همانطور که می دانید، در Task 1 آزمون جنرال، از شما خواسته می شود یک نامه با موضوع داده شده بنویسید، در دست کم 150 کلمه و زمانی کمتر از 20 دقیقه.

در این سوال سه تا نکته را باید پوشش دهید که پیشنهاد می شود اولی را در پاراگراف نخست بدنه بگنجانید. دومی و سومی را نیز در پاراگراف دوم بدنه.

Dear Madam,

I am writing this letter to reveal my interest in assisting the development of your school building and playground area.

I have been residing at Edmond Street, which is just a mile north to the school. Three of my cousins are your previous students and my sister’s daughter is a high school student at your school now. I believe that a school is the second home of a student and the development provides better infrastructural facilities to the local students, which can boost their potential, both physically and intellectually.

I run a construction company in the town and I think I can meet the physical needs of your construction like materials and labor at a reasonable cost. I would also offer to develop the playground free of cost if you are interested. It would be appreciated if you could contact me a week prior to your plan to commence the construction so that I can make the necessary arrangements.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Richard Jackson

Answer from the website: <>

تمام حقوق برای بهروز غفاریان و سایت about-ielts محفوظ است. 1403 / 2024

تحلیل و راهنمایی - نمونه سوال آیلتس -Task 2

همانطور که حتما متوجه شده اید، این تاپیک از نوع سوالات problem-solving هست. در بخش اول حکم داده که مشخص کنید خشونت در بازی ها چقدر مضر هست (= نتیجه یا result) و در بخش دوم از شما خواسته راهکار بدهید. یکی از روشها هم همین است که در پاراگراف اول بدنه، یک نتیجه یا ریزالت بیان کنید و در پاراگراف دوم بدنه نیز تلاش کنید یک راهکار بیاورید. البته این تنها روش نیست و روشهای دیگری نیز وجود دارد. به پاسخ نمونه نگاه کنید:

Most of the guardians do not support their wards to watch action films and play offensive digital games. Such programs directly or indirectly affect young viewers’ mentality and behaviour and this habit can be ameliorated by the synergetic efforts of parents and the sensor board.

By watching violent television shows and playing violent games, children may get behavioural variations. This is because young ones are like clay and they can easily be moulded. At this point of age, adolescents are so vulnerable to inheriting such stuff which they should not. Since their grasping power is higher, they tend to act on what they watch and imitate actively. As a result, indulging in fights, kicking, hitting and using harsh words become their permanent way to respond. A recent survey conducted by WHO concluded that 80% of children who have offensive nature watch action movies and play aggressive online games regularly.

To reverse this situation, several strategies can be adopted and the prime of them is the intervention by the censor board.Not surprisingly, It must reject the online games which contain stuff like fighting in shooting, as the main audience of such movies and games are juveniles. Also, they should outline an age limit so that young ones cannot install such offensive material from the play store. Another solution for this problem has something to do with parents. The caretakers ought to supervise the content being watched by their tiny tots,most of the time, and little effort in the counselling on what to watch can make big difference. Despite a strict restriction, children need to be given a substitute so that they can dwindle their minds. For instance, gifting a musical instrument as per their inclination or an enthralling storybook may bring positive results.

In conclusion, it is obvious for parents not to feel contended when their young ones stalk the offensive data because it may influence their behavioral patterns. However, a balanced approach of both guardians and concerned authorities may call for a good future.

from the website:


نکته: این پاسخ توسط هوش مصنوعی در وبسایت مذکور نمره 8 گرفته، راستش را بخواهید، غیر از پاراگراف آخر، مابقی متن، نه به لحاظ فاکتورهای چهارگانه و نه به لحاظ زیبایی، شایسته نمره ی 8 نیست. ماکزیمم 7 یا احتمالا میتواند 7.5 بگیرد.

تمام حقوق برای بهروز غفاریان و سایت about-ielts محفوظ است. 1401 / 2022